Get organised and focus on the important things: painting yourminiatures! With a Paint Station on your table, it is easy to declutteryour space in between painting sessions.Made from high-quality MDF and easy to assemble, this racksolution will display your paint collection in no time!GLUE RECOMMENDED!Quality MDF design,easy to assembleIncludes a Mixing Pad Állapot: új RRP: 8 090 Ft Ez a beszállító által legutóbb ajánlott kiskereskedelmi eladási ár. 7 990 Ft A vásárlás után járó pontok: 240 Ft Kosárba külső raktár (külföld) 100 db beszállítási idő +8-10 nap Kedvencekhez Ajánlom Összehasonlítás Kérdés a termékről
Ez a beszállító által legutóbb ajánlott kiskereskedelmi eladási ár.
beszállítási idő +8-10 nap
Get organised and focus on the important things: painting yourminiatures! With a Paint Station on your table, it is easy to declutteryour space in between painting sessions.Made from high-quality MDF and easy to assemble, this racksolution will display your paint collection in no time!GLUE RECOMMENDED!Quality MDF design,easy to assembleIncludes a Mixing Padwith 100 coated sheetsStores up to 50 Warpaints Fanatic, Speedpaint, or Warpaints Air16 spaces to store various Brushes & ToolsIncludes a Mixing Pad with 100 coated sheets for easy paint mixing
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