The Other Side - Twisted Horrors - EN

The Other Side - Twisted Horrors - EN-WYR40257
As the aetheric energies of the Burning Man pour into the fragile bodies of mortals, some are remade into monstrous aberrations. Unable to internalize the magic inside them, it spills outward, warping their bodies until they are as much magic as flesh. These Twisted Horrors have mutable forms that can withstand immense punishment, and their flesh has contorted to form living weapons. In moment...
RRP: 18 490 Ft 

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12 990 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 390 Ft
külső raktár (külföld)
100 db

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Hasonló termékek
As the aetheric energies of the Burning Man pour into the fragile bodies of mortals, some are remade into monstrous aberrations. Unable to internalize the magic inside them, it spills outward, warping their bodies until they are as much magic as flesh. These Twisted Horrors have mutable forms that can withstand immense punishment, and their flesh has contorted to form living weapons. In moments of peril, their bodies can even unleash bursts of magic, causing them to be one of the most randomly dangerous forces at the Cult's disposal.

On the table, Twisted Horrors are strong frontline forces. Their melee attacks make them a threat in combat, and their ability to generate their own Reinforcement Tokens makes them hard to kill. When they flip to Glory, the Twisted Horrors gain the Unpredictable Ability, which can often result in the unit gaining multiple Activations during the Turn.

The Cult has its beginnings in the ramblings of Ephraim Wade. Ephraim had strange visions, born of the things to come, and spread his twisted views with any who would listen. He didn't attract much attention at first, but when the Burning Man appeared in the skies above London, it lent credence to many of Ephraim's teachings. As London burned, the Cult rose from its flames.

The Cult are the insane followers of the enigmatic Burning Man. The forces of the voiceless entity are made up of monstrous aberrations and humans touched by the chaotic magics that lie between worlds. A Cult of the Burning Man army specializes in hit and run tactics and using magic to defeat their foes.
Miniatures are supplied pre-assembled and unpainted.

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Játékszabály nyelve
Wyrd Games
minik, angol, Wyrd Games, BlackFire
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