The Other Side - The Frenzy - EN

The Other Side - The Frenzy - EN-WYR40209
The Guild's iron-fisted grip on the Soulstone trade has worn Earth nations raw, creating a powder keg of alliances and enemies. Just when a world war seemed ready to erupt, horrendous creatures from a plane known as Malifaux tore their way through reality. The true battle of survival has begun.

The Other Side is a game about allegiances doing battle across the Earth in a fight for supre...
RRP: 14 390 Ft 

Ez a beszállító által legutóbb ajánlott kiskereskedelmi eladási ár.

13 190 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 396 Ft
külső raktár (külföld)
100 db

beszállítási idő +8-10 nap

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Hasonló termékek
The Guild's iron-fisted grip on the Soulstone trade has worn Earth nations raw, creating a powder keg of alliances and enemies. Just when a world war seemed ready to erupt, horrendous creatures from a plane known as Malifaux tore their way through reality. The true battle of survival has begun.

The Other Side is a game about allegiances doing battle across the Earth in a fight for supremacy and survival. Using 32mm miniatures, players will control squads of troops, powerful commanders and massive Titans as they attempt to defeat their foes and seize control of the Earth. Conflict is resolved through the use of a deck of cards, allowing players more control over their own destinies. The Other Side shares a world with Malifaux, but the games are not compatible.

The Gibbering Hordes are denizens of old Malifaux, before the fall of the Tyrants. In the resulting war, they chose the wrong side and were cast into the ocean. Over the centuries, their forms twisted to accommodate their new lives, and as the years passed they began to forget... but numerous portals opening in the ocean dumped the Hordes onto Earth, shocking the creatures into a hunger-filled frenzy.

The Gibbering Hordes are amphibious creatures that dwell in many of Malifaux's waterways and oceans. Much of their intelligence has been forgotten in favour of sharp animal instinct and a desire to survive. Led by their more aware kin, the Hordes have decided to make the Earth their new home. A Gibbering Hordes army is focused on melee, using their seemingly infinite numbers to conquer their enemies.

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Hasonló termékek
Játékszabály nyelve
Wyrd Games
minik, angol, Wyrd Games, BlackFire
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Külföldi raktárban van. Szállítási idő +8-10 nap    
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