Bolt Action - Soviet Winter Infantry - EN

Bolt Action - Soviet Winter Infantry - EN-WGB-RI-04
When the German army crashed over the Russian border in 1941, Hitler was confident of a short, sharp campaign. He nearly got one, but heroic defence by the massive Soviet armies slowed the Nazi advance. It was done by the simple private soldier, "Ivan" as the Germans called him. Brave, solid, and loyal, these soldiers endured dreadful battle conditions. Their equipment was unsophisticated but ...
RRP: 20 190 Ft 

Ez a beszállító által legutóbb ajánlott kiskereskedelmi eladási ár.

18 490 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 555 Ft
külső raktár (külföld)
100 db

beszállítási idő +8-10 nap

Kérdés a termékről
Hasonló termékek
When the German army crashed over the Russian border in 1941, Hitler was confident of a short, sharp campaign. He nearly got one, but heroic defence by the massive Soviet armies slowed the Nazi advance. It was done by the simple private soldier, "Ivan" as the Germans called him. Brave, solid, and loyal, these soldiers endured dreadful battle conditions. Their equipment was unsophisticated but functional, much like the troops themselves.

The bitter fighting in Finland had taught some hard lessons to the Red Army where thousands of their men fell victim to frostbite. The cold weather kit later issued was warm and comfortable, frequently padded or quilted, and was much envied by the German troops shivering in thin overcoats.

These tough men could lie out in the snow for hours before making their attacks. Urrah!

Soviet Infantry (Winter) contains:

Enough plastic components to make 40 Soviet Union infantry miniatures, equipped to fight in the harsh winter of the Eastern Front. Includes a host of options to allow for different weapons and command models.
Weapons included:
Mosin-Nagant rifle (scoped, with bayonet and without), PTRD Anti-tank rifle, submachine guns (PPS-43 , PPSh-41 and PPD-40), Mosin-Nagant carbine, DP-28 light machine gun, Tokarev semi-automatic rifle (and bayonet version), pistols and rifle grenade launcher. Also includes captured Panzerfaust!
Round plastic bases (25mm diameter)
Background leaflet.

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Hasonló termékek
Játékszabály nyelve
Warlord Games
minik, angol, Warlord Games, BlackFire
Gyártói cikkszám
Termék státusza
Külföldi raktárban van. Szállítási idő +8-10 nap    
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