Dystopian Wars - Order Exemplar Squadrons - EN

Dystopian Wars - Order Exemplar Squadrons - EN-DWA240013

The Lesanth Exemplar-Cruiser is often held in awe by the enemies of the Sultanate and rightly so. It contains feats of engineering that might be considered magic by those who had not borne witness to them before. The bright ray ofJudgement Lances that make even Particle Beamers pale in comparison. Portals that allow other vessels to fire through without exposing themselves to enemy fire. No...

RRP: 12 990 Ft 

Ez a beszállító által legutóbb ajánlott kiskereskedelmi eladási ár.

10 590 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 318 Ft
külső raktár (külföld)
100 db

beszállítási idő +8-10 nap

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The Lesanth Exemplar-Cruiser is often held in awe by the enemies of the Sultanate and rightly so. It contains feats of engineering that might be considered magic by those who had not borne witness to them before. The bright ray ofJudgement Lances that make even Particle Beamers pale in comparison. Portals that allow other vessels to fire through without exposing themselves to enemy fire. Not to mention the expressionless, steel visage of the Cor Coroli than act as marines. Woe betide anyone who believe they stood a chance in an engagement with this ship of the Order.

Carolus Destroyers are formidable indeed. Crewed entirely by the devout members of the martial religious group known as the Order, they answer only to Sircan Osman on behalf of the Sultan.

"We thought we were safe. There was only one cruiser, reckoned we'd scared the rest of them 'Sultanas' off. Good work, job done, back home for tea and biscuits. I remember saying to Jonesy what an easy patrol it was. Then I saw it over his shoulder, like a giant mirror with a glowing frame a little ways off the port bow. Huge it was, size of a house. Problem was, it weren't a mirror of us, you could see a different ship on the other side. One of theirs. Before we knew it, there was shots coming through. Like a hole in the wall but connecting houses in different streets. I still can't make head nor tail of it. I don't know how I made it. Jonesy didn't. You see one of them portal thingies, move."
Able Seaman Jack Davies, formerly of HMS Gladstone


2x Lesath Exemplar Cruisers
4x Carolus Destroyers
Please Note:

Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly will be required.

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Játékszabály nyelve
Warcradle Studios
minik, angol, Warcradle Studios, BlackFire
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Külföldi raktárban van. Szállítási idő +8-10 nap    
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