Dystopian Wars: Suleiman Battlefleet Set - EN

Dystopian Wars: Suleiman Battlefleet Set - EN-DWA240003
The twin decks of the Suleiman Fleet Carrier are replete with squadrons of Sabiha strike aircraft. An impressive vessel, the Sultanate values supremacy of the skies that the Suleiman class brings. While her twin hulls make her slower to turn than other vessels of her size, her ability as the flagship in a carrier assault group shows the huge advances the Ottomans are making thanks to heavy inv...
RRP: 36 690 Ft 

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29 890 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 897 Ft
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100 db

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The twin decks of the Suleiman Fleet Carrier are replete with squadrons of Sabiha strike aircraft. An impressive vessel, the Sultanate values supremacy of the skies that the Suleiman class brings. While her twin hulls make her slower to turn than other vessels of her size, her ability as the flagship in a carrier assault group shows the huge advances the Ottomans are making thanks to heavy investment by the Sublime Porte.

When magnetic impeller advancements were acquired by the Sublime Porte for its navy, it was the Iskandar class that first bore the fruit of the development. Quickly these cruisers have become the mainstay in a highly mobile armada, making excellent use of the engineering to bring glory to the Sultanate.

The enemies of the Ottoman people are right to fear the Sadrazam Heavy Cruiser, should they see one come over the horizon. With firepower comparable to the heavy cruisers of other nations, but the ability to outmanoeuvre almost anything in its class, a seasoned captain will capitalise on this and devastate the enemy.

Pasha Light Cruisers are routinely found at the head of Sultanate battlefleets. A strange tradition has developed among crews, specifically those onboard Pasha’s that have been retrofitted with Particle Beamers. It is seen as a great honour to be the first to scorch an enemy ship, doubly so if it’s a flagship. These races to engagement are seen as reckless by older and more traditional commodores but even they have to admit the bravery of Pasha captains and their crews.

The relatively shallow draft of the Izmir Monitor makes it the perfect defence for estuaries. When not so close to land, it is often paired with a carrier to use any squadrons as spotters. Many enemy submarines have fallen foul of an Izmir working alongside a Suleiman or a Constantinople.

The flight crew of Constantinople Carriers are rightly proud of their assignment. It is said that "the blood of a wingman is thicker than the water of the womb" and that is certainly the case for these pilots. These aerial combatants are like a close-knit family as they know that they can only rely on each other once the fighting starts and don’t let outsiders forget it.

The Mihrimah Flechette Cruiser is armed with a weapon unique to the Sultanate. It can unleash a torrent of Orichalcite Flechettes from its bombards at a target. These light and razor-thin fragments are so sharp they can puncture steel hulls at close quarters, though air resistance prevents them from being effective at longer ranges. While they can certainly cause damage to cruisers, they are deadly against squadrons of smaller ships. A cloud of flechettes can easily envelop multiple vessels and shred through steel and flesh alike.

While the Ferik escort skiffs of the Sultanate are ubiquitous in their battlefleets, they need frequent maintenance to keep their repulsion engines in working order, that’s where the Konya comes in. A bay at the fore of the ship allows a skiff to be loaded in and repairs to be made. Though a commodore knows that a Konya lacks firepower, they never regret having one close by.

An Aydin Supply Cruiser is a welcome sight to other crews. Knowing they won’t run out of vital necessities at a moment's notice is a huge boost for morale and for this reason alone they are constantly on the move, heading from fleet to fleet, only heading ashore to resupply themselves.

Morea Minelayers have become more common as tensions escalate. Sultanate commanders understand that they must keep their holdings around the world at any cost while Order advisors push the fact that anything to advance the greater good is necessary. While the merchant navy of the Sultanate might dislike the sea being mined, they are slowly being fed stories that prove how vital they can be.

The Tempelhof Battlefleet Set kit builds nine-teen multi-part plastic and resin miniatures and 3 SRS Tokens;

1x Suleiman Fleet Carrier
3x Cruiser
Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Iskandar, Izmir, Pasha or Sadrazam Class ship.
Both Cruisers can also be combined to build a Hurrem Grand Cruiser or a Mehmed Grand Monitor
6x Temir Frigate
3x Cruiser
Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Constantinople, Mihrimah, Konya, Aydin or Morea Class ship
6x Ferik Escort Skiff
3x SRS Tokens
Please Note:

Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

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Warcradle Studios
minik, angol, Warcradle Studios, BlackFire
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