The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms Core Rules Box - EN

The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms Core Rules Box - EN-MUH052029
It is the time of the Dragonborn. Battle rages across the forests, plains and mountains of Skyrim as Imperials and Stormcloaks fight for supremacy. In ancient barrows, the restless dead rise from their sleep. Skeletons and fearsome Draugr jealously guard their treasures from bands of delving adventures.

Elder Scrolls: A Call to Arms is an adventure wargame set in the world of Tamriel. G...
RRP: 15 090 Ft 

Ez a beszállító által legutóbb ajánlott kiskereskedelmi eladási ár.

13 790 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 414 Ft
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Hasonló termékek
It is the time of the Dragonborn. Battle rages across the forests, plains and mountains of Skyrim as Imperials and Stormcloaks fight for supremacy. In ancient barrows, the restless dead rise from their sleep. Skeletons and fearsome Draugr jealously guard their treasures from bands of delving adventures.

Elder Scrolls: A Call to Arms is an adventure wargame set in the world of Tamriel. Gather your heroes and venture into Draugr haunted tombs and ruins, searching for treasure and glory. Or, fight the Civil War as the Stormcloaks and Imperials battle for the future of Skyrim.

This Core Rules set contains all the rules you need for exciting solo and co-operative delves, or 2 player battles with AI adversaries hindering both players. Begin your adventures in Tamriel with this essential boxed set. Containing the full rules of Elder Scrolls Call to Arms plus the dice and tokens required.

228 Cards: 5 Hero Cards, 13 Follower and Adversary Cards, 6 Faction Reference Cards, more than 200 Quests, Events, Traps, Items and Spell Cards.
13 Custom Dice: 1 White Skill dice, 3 Green Accuracy dice, 3 Black, 3 Red and 3 Yellow Effect dice.
2 die cut counter sheets
104 page complete Core Rules
44 page Quest Book with 12 missions
16 page Escape From Helgen Quickstart guide

Miniatures not included. Expand your game with the Imperial Legion Plastic Faction Starter, Stormcloaks Plastic Faction Starter or Bleak Falls Barrow Delve Set also available at launch.

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Hasonló termékek
Játékszabály nyelve
Modiphius Entertainment
minik, angol, Modiphius Entertainment, BlackFire
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