Tired of the constant humiliation since they wereannexed to the StateEmpire, the Japanese claimed their freedom and paid a heavyblood toll during the Uprising. That was the genesis of the Greater IndependentJapan, a nation born anew under the Bushido code and defended by the proud,unrelenting Japanese Secessionist Army (JSA), whose members live and dieaccording to the Way of the Samurai.
Sale Info: This box includes 7 miniatures: 1 Keisotsu with CombiRifle, 1 Keisotsu with Missile Launcher, 1 Keitsotsu Hacker, 1 Kempeitai withMarksman Rifle, 1 Ryuken Hacker, 1 Oniwaban with Submachine Gun, and 1 Daiyokaiwith Red Fury. Stats cards for each miniature and another one for the weaponschart. The perfect box to start playing and collecting JSA.
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minik, angol, Corvus Belli, BlackFire
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